Dr. in modern history
Associate professor
University of Helsinki
Email: josephine.hoegaerts@helsinki.fi
ORCID: 0000-0002-3458-5444
Web page: https://singinginthearchives.wordpress.com/
History of voice, history of the body, history of speech and voice therapy, sound studies
I am currently working on a history of the role of the voice in politics, as well as a book on the history of vocal health. This includes research on the development of musical vocal education, and the gradual development of ’scientific’ approaches to song throughout the nineteenth century. I am drawing my material from educational and scientific publications in France, Britain and the German Lands in the long nineteenth century. I have previously researched and published on practices of singing in primary schools and the army, particularly in relation to the development of patriotism and constructions of national belonging.
(2021) Voices that Matter? Methods for Historians Attending to the Voices of the Past, Historical Reflection/Reflections Historiques, 47, 1, 113-137.
(2019) “Women’s Voices in Educational Manuals. The Gendered Sounds of Speech Therapy, Song and Education in Europe, c.1830-1900”, themed issue on women’s education for Women’s History Review.
(2015) S-s-s-syncopation: Music, Modernity, and the Performance of Stammering (ca.1860-1930), in: Societies, 5 (Special Issue: Interrogating Representations of (dis)ability within and through Material Culture), 744-759.
(2014) Little citizens and petites patries: learning patriotism through choral singing in Antwerp in the late nineteenth century, in: Geisler, U. and Johansson,K. (eds.) Choral singing: histories and practices, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 14-32.
(2013) “As it echoes South and North”. Girls and Boys Singing Identity into the National Landscape. In: Waligorska M. (Eds.), Music, Longing and Belonging. Articulations of the Self and the Other in the Musical Realm, Chapt. 11 Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 202-221.
Full list of publications: https://singinginthearchives.wordpress.com/publications/
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