Center for Educational Research and Academic Development in the Arts (CERADA), University of the Arts Helsinki, Sibelius Academy.
Education: Master of Music - Licentiate of Music Teaching Position: Doctoral researcher, University of the Arts Helsinki. Singer and vocal pedagogue. Suzuki Voice specialist
Email: analia.capponi-savolainen@uniarts.fi
Website: analiacapponi.com
Areas of expertise
Music education and vocal pedagogy. Children’s singing, identity and agency. Singing and cultural diversity. Ethics. Children’s perspectives. Embodiment. Suzuki Voice methodology. Teacher education.
I am currently working as a doctoral associate at the University of the Arts Helsinki, Sibelius Academy. My doctoral research study on children's singing and identity is part of Academy of Finland's Strategic Research Council research initiative ArtsEqual (2015–2021). The study examines the potential of singing in the construction of children’s individual and social identities. The study, which is contextualized within the culturally diverse school, focuses on children’s perspectives on singing and on how children can ‘gain voice’ in and through singing.
I am also an active classical singer and vocal pedagogue. I am specialized in teaching singing to children. My work as a Suzuki Voice teacher specialist and as teacher educator has enriched my experiences at local and international level.
Capponi-Savolainen, A. (forthcoming). Rethinking human growth in Finland’s culturally diverse schools: Children’s perspectives on singing and identity. Finnish Journal of Music Education. University of the Arts, Helsinki. Sibelius Academy, Finland.
Capponi-Savolainen, A. (2018). "Laulaen
keitä olemme: Lasten äänet ja kulttuurinen monimuotoisuus musiikinopetuksessa". Lapset, musiikki ja kasvatus – seminaari (Fisme ry).
Capponi-Savolainen, A & Kivijärvi, S. (2017) “Exploring aesthetic experience in early childhood music education: John Dewey’s and Mark Johnson’s views on embodiment”. Finnish journal of Music Education,20 (1), 100-106. University of the Arts, Helsinki, Finland.
Capponi-Savolainen, A. (2015). Individual expressions: The use of the body and the development of emotional expression in children's singing. Scientific poster. "Musiikkikasvatuspäivät 2015"of the Finnish Society of Music Education. Helsinki.
More information: analiacapponi.com
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